Stay Little, My Baby

As I rocked my youngest child to sleep today, I couldn’t help but think about him being my last baby. I love the sense of calm as he laid in my lap, so peaceful and innocent. This will only last for a little while longer.

You see, my youngest has already turned one and these little moment are rare. I cherish every one because soon he will be too big and too busy for sweet cuddles with mommy.  So for now, I will enjoy the little moments before they are gone.

“Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me”.       Maria Jose Ovalle

One thought on “Stay Little, My Baby

  1. hi I just checked your blog. I find it interesting how fast they grow. make sure that you don’t blink an eye and miss a moment, because the next time you open your eyes he will be a full grown man. letting them go out there to conquer the world it the worst feeling for every parent. unfortunately we don’t have a choice. enjoy it while it last MOTHER!!!!


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